Novel translation serialization
According to the October 2017 version, Hualing Publishing House, Beijing
Written by Hu Zhe
Translated in October, 2024
by William Xiong
Chapter 3 Going south to work and encounter a goat(I)
In the spring of the new century, Lu Yuexia left her hometown the mountain city with complex emotions.
Lu Yuexia thought to herself, "Mr Xia! You come and go in a hurry and leave me like this, which really makes me thinking of you in my dream. Why does fate play a trick on me like this? I can't get what I want, and things I don't need are thrown at me one after another. I feel so tired, very tired!
As Lu Yuexia boarded the minibus and watched the mountain city and the school were getting smaller snd smaller, her mood suddenly darkened. Lu Yuexia felt that her once broad heart, like the vast sea, had been disturbed by Mr Xia, who was seven years older than her.
The farther away one is, the more at a loss they become, as if all they can take away is an empty shell, and their heart has already slipped thousands of feet down. Faced with the temporary loss of love, Lu Yuexia was truly overwhelmed with mixed emotions and couldn'tsay anything.
You always have too soft a heart, crying alone until dawn. You love that person without complaint or regret... ... "Lu Yuexia's heart swayed rhythmically with the train and continued to sing the melody of the song" Too Soft A Heart "over and over again.
After one day and one night, Lu Yuexia arrived at a warmer place in the south, far, far away from her hometown.
The next morning, the air was unusually humid, and in the drizzling drizzle, Lu Yuexia went for a walk alone to the seaside.
As soon as she left, within a few steps, Lu Yuexia's glasses got wet from the rain and she couldn't tell the path.
Finally reaching the seaside park, Lu Yuexia sat in front of a brown stone table, facing the river. Under the table were rugged rocks, where several yellow haired girls were looking for crabs and snails, running barefoot hither and thither as if walking on flat ground. The outline of the left bank of the river is quite distinct, with rows of houses winding along, red roofs and yellow walls piled up among green trees, spreading from the riverbank to the high slope. The mountains undulate within the grey mist, creating an extremely hazy scene. On the opposite side is a small island embedded with green forests, and on the left, the river is vast and boundless, with two or three sailboat shadows undulating on the surface of the river; Far away blurry, close up clear. The roar of the river is like the sound of ten thousand waterfalls in the deep mountains. There is a blue wave swaying on the river surface. Arriving at the shore are clusters of white foam like giant waves, rapidly changing and unpredictable. Sometimes, one by one, they jump onto the rocks and then back, more lively than children. Lu Yuexia was intoxicated.
At this moment, the scenery made Lu Yuexia miss Mr Xia, whom she longed for and admired, even more deeply. One day without seeing is like three autumns!
When Lu Yuexia returned and just stood firm at the entrance of the hotel, Xu Bing appeared in front of her again. She had planned to go out and work to get rid of everything in the past and find a new starting point in life, but someone was watching closely.
Xu Bing coldly said to Lu Yuexia, "Do you think that leaving like this can be a complete solution? If you can make a decisive decision today, I will never let you go easily. You see what you do!" Lu Yuexia looked around and saw how unfamiliar and desolate it was. Only Xu Bing's familiar and hateful face appeared in front of her, with indescribable pain and bitterness in her heart. Faced with reality, she could not escape this helpless situation in front of her.
That’ll do! Getting along may be as well, but should keep some distance, Lu Yuexia thought to herself.
So after a brief conversation with Xu Bing, Lu Yuexia went to find some work to do.
Lu Yuexia walked about 500 meters east along the platform and saw a shining brand "Xingzhou Huayang Plastic Factory". After investigation, it was a wholly-owned enterprise founded by Australian businessman Huayang, and the textile bags produced were mainly exported to South Korea.
After applying, Lu Yuexia and Xu Bing were divided into two different textile workshops. Facing each other coldly, provoking and causing trouble, suddenly both came to the same company. Lu Yuexia thought to herself, this is not a coincidence but a premeditation.
胡 哲 著
熊良銋 译
第三章 南下打工遇色狼
新世纪之春 ,陆月霞带着复杂的心情离开了家乡的山城 。
陆月霞心想 :“ 夏先生啊 !你就这样来去匆匆离我而去 ,真 让我魂牵梦萦 ,命运为什么要这样捉弄我 ,我想得到的东西可 怎么也得不到,不需要的东西偏偏一个又一个的向我掷来 ,我感觉到好累 ,好 累 !
当陆月霞坐上中巴车后 ,看着这座山城和这所学校一路变 小 ,陆 月 霞 的 心情 突 然灰 暗起来 ,陆 月 霞感 觉 到 自 己一 颗 曾 经 像 沧 海 一 样 博 大 的 心 ,已 经 让 那 个 比 自 己 大 7 岁 的 夏 先 生 搅 乱了 。
人越远 ,越是失魂落魄 ,好像能带走的只是一个空躯壳 ,自 己的心已滑落万丈 。面对爱情的暂时失落,陆月霞一时真得是 “ 百感交集 ”,而又不能措置一词 。
“ 你 总是心太 软 、独 自一个人 流 泪 到 天亮 ,你无怨无悔地爱 着那个人 …… ”陆月霞 的心 随列 车有节奏 的摇晃合着《心太软》歌曲的旋律持续了一遍又一遍 。
一天一夜以后 ,陆月霞就到了南方天气挺暖的地方 ,离老 家挺远挺远了 。
次 日 早 晨 ,空 气 异 常 潮 湿 ,在 细 雨 蒙 蒙 的 飘 飞 中 ,陆 月 霞 一 个人到海滨去散步 。
一出门 ,走不上几步 ,陆月霞的眼镜便被雨打湿了 ,简直辨 不出路径来 。
终于走到海滨公园 ,陆月霞坐在一张褐色的石桌前 ,面对 着大江 。 桌下便是嶙峋的岩石 ,有几个黄发女孩在那里寻找蟹与螺,光着脚跑来跑去 ,好像在平地上走路的样子 。 江上左岸 的轮廓比较分明 ,迤逦着房舍的行列 ,红顶黄墙堆积在绿树丛 中 ,由江边蔓延到高坡上去 。 山峦起伏在灰色雾彀里面 ,景象极其迷蒙 。 对面是一片镶嵌着绿林的小岛 ,左边江水茫茫 ,望不到边际 ,有两三点帆影在江面上起伏 ;远的模糊 ,近影清晰 。江水的呼啸 ,像深山里一万个瀑布声 。 江面有一碧万倾的 波澜在摇动 。 靠岸是一簇一簇的白沫似的巨浪 ,变化迅速 ,不 可捉摸 。 有时一小股一小股地跳上岩石来 ,又跳回去 ,比小孩子还活泼 。 陆月霞沉醉了 。
身 当 此 时 此 景 ,更 加 使 陆 月 霞 牵 肠 挂 肚 地 思 念 起 自 己 所 向 往 和 爱 慕 的 夏 先 生 ,真 是 一 日 不 见 宛 如 三 秋 !
当 陆 月 霞 回 来 刚 刚 在 旅 舍 的 门 口 站 稳 ,许 冰 又 出 现 在 自 己 眼前 ,原想外出打工摆脱过去的一切 ,重新寻找生活的起点 , 可又偏偏有人紧盯着 。
许冰冷冷地对陆月霞说:“ 你以为这样一走都能一了百了 吗 ? 今天如果你能做出果断的决定 ,我决不会轻易放过你 ,你看着办!”陆月霞向四周望了望 ,周围是多么的陌生和凄凉 ,只有许冰这张熟悉而又讨厌的脸在眼前出现 ,心里有说不出的痛苦和辛酸 ,面对现实可又无法摆脱这眼前无奈的处境 。
算了吧 ! 相处也好 ,但要保持距离 ,陆月霞心想 。于是陆月霞与许冰简单地交流了一下后就去找事做 。
陆 月 霞 随 着 站 台 向 东 走 了 500 米 左 右 ,看 到 一 个“ 兴 州 华 阳 塑胶厂 ”的金光闪闪的牌子 ,经了解是澳大利亚商人华阳独资创办 的 企 业 ,生 产 的 纺 织 袋 主 要 出 口 韩 国 。
陆月霞和许冰应聘后分在不同的两个纺织车间 。 冷眼相 对 ,挑衅滋事 ,忽一下又同来一个企业 ,陆月霞心想 ,这不是巧合而是一种预谋 。
- 上一条信息:武当山之恋(英汉对照)▪第二章(下)
- 下一条信息:武当山之恋(英汉对照)▪第三章(下)