Novel translation serialization
According to the October 2017 version, Hualing Publishing House, Beijing
Written by Hu Zhe
Translated in October, 2024
by William Xiong
Chapter 4 Much Friendship in well-educated family
After leaving this company, Lu Yuexia’s thoughts are running wild.
In this vast world, how much a weak woman needs care and consideration, and the prince charming in her heart is far away abroad, which made Lu Yuexia have some imagination: life is a broken circle, one end is birth, the other end is death. Life is a process from birth to death. Although the process may have ups and downs, twists and turns, overall, it is full of joy, so life is beautiful. And the disconnection is painful, people use loud cries to imply the pain of birth, and use helpless old tunes to express the pain of death. But if there is no birth and no death, there would be no such beautiful process. While walking, Lu Yuexia was thinking, and unconsciously she saw a want-ad ahead. Lu Yuexia stopped to read the full text, which roughly stated that the owner wanted to hire a caring family nanny. Lu Yuexia felt that she was capable of handling this position, so she took down this want-ad and became one of the female nanny applicants. Soon, a middle-aged woman came up to Lu Yuexia and took a liking to her. After discussing the conditions, Lu Yuexia and the middle-aged woman came to a civilized community on the north bank of the the Pearl River. This community is unique and ingenious: everything they built seems so appropriate and lovely, as if it were all natural. The houses, walls, stone steps, roads, and planting areas on Mount Grape are neither new nor old, as if they were not built through labor, brainstormed, or ingenious, but naturally formed like rocks, trees, and moss. The walls, houses, and roofs of Mount Grapei are all made of the same brown schist stone, complementing each other like brothers and sisters. Nothing seems unfamiliar, hostile, or cruel, everything appears friendly, joyful, and neighborly. You can sit wherever you want, on rocks or tree stumps, on grass or land, anything is fine; No matter where you sit, there is a painting and a poem around you, and the world around you merges into beautiful and happy melodies.
On the grassland, the most eye-catching thing is not only the tall swaying althaea rosea but also the green and shining red roses amidst leaf clusters nestled against the wall. If you move your gaze closer to the ground, you can see pteris and ipomoea cairica at the foot of the wall. There are also dandelions and hydrocotyle near the althaea rosea, and banksia rose, and still morning glories, with their heads high, clinging to the althaea rosea, as if trying to compete with the upright grass stems. As for what is tightly attached to the ground, although it looks like clusters fine and green, like a soft blanket, if you want to figure it out carefully, not only do natural science teachers in ordinary high schools have to "sigh" and "sigh" without knowing what to say, even professors in the biology department of universities cannot help but furrow their brows.
In the pool, at first glance, it seems that there are only lotus leaves and lotus flowers on the surface of the water, but upon closer inspection, one can tell that there are also lotus seedpod and small yellow flowers blooming on the duckweed. In fact, just lotus leaves and lotus flowers are enough to have many changes and liveliness. There are some lotus leaves like spreading round plates that float flat on the surface of the water, some that sway in the air like yellow umbrellas. There are some half of which have already unfolded, and other half are still curled up boldly and diagonally, and some have just emerged from the water and are tightly wrapped up rich in childlike innocence. There are also some that carry water droplets and reflect the sunlight brilliantly and dazzlingly, and some that have grown very tall but have not yet unfolded their leaves, bravely standing up and looking very hopeful. Some lotus flowers have already wide opened, as if a beautifully dressed woman is smiling and lost in thought. Some other lotus flowers have only slightly opened, as if a virgin was secretly smiling because she was shy.
胡 哲 著
熊良銋 译
第四章 高知家庭情谊长
陆月霞离开这家公司后 ,思绪万千。
在这大千世界里,一个弱女子是多么的需要关怀和体贴 , 而心中的白马王子又远在国外 ,这使陆月霞产生了一些遐想 : 生命是一个断开的圆 ,一端是生 ,另一端是死 。 从生的一端出 生 ,到死的一端终止,人生是一个过程 。 尽管过程会有起伏 , 会有曲折 ,但总的来说是充满欢愉的 ,所以生活着很美丽 。 而 断开处是痛苦的,人们用嘹亮的啼哭暗示生的痛苦 ,用无奈的 老调表示死的痛苦 。 但如果无生无死 ,便没有那段美丽的过 程 。 陆月霞边想边走 ,不知不觉看到前方有个招聘广告 ,陆月 霞停下来看了看全文,大意是要招一个会体贴人的家庭保姆 ,陆月 霞 觉 得 自 己 是 可 以 胜 任 这 个 职 位 的 ,于 是 就 取 下 这 块 招 聘 广告牌子 ,跻身于女保姆应聘者之列 。 很快 ,一个中年女性来 到陆月霞跟前并看上了 。 谈好条件后 ,陆月霞跟这位中年女性 来到珠江北岸的一个文明小区 。 这个小区独具匠心 :他们所建 造的一切 ,看来是那么恰当而可爱 ,仿佛都是自然天成 。房
屋 、围墙 、葡萄山的石级、道路和种植地 ,都不新也不旧 ,仿佛 不是靠劳动建造的,不是用脑筋想出来的 ,不是巧夺天工的 ,而是 像 岩 石 、树 木 、苔 藓 一 样 自 然 形 成 的 。 葡 萄 山 的 围 墙 、房 屋 、屋顶 ,都是由同样的褐色片麻岩石砌成的 ,这一切相辅相 成 ,像弟兄手足一般 。没有一样看来是陌生的 、怀有敌意的和 粗暴无情的,一切都显得亲切 、欢畅和睦邻友好 。 你愿坐在哪 里就坐在哪里 ,岩石上或者树桩上 ,草地上或者土地上 ,全都 可以 ;不论你坐在哪里 ,你周围都是一幅画和一首诗 ,你周围 的世界汇成优美而幸福的清音 。
在草地上 ,看去最醒目的除了高高地摇摆着的一丈红 ,要 算 紧贴 在 墙 上 的 绿 莹 莹 的 叶丛 中 底 红 蔷 薇 了 。 如 果 视 线 移 近 点 地 面 ,就 可 在 墙 脚 旁 看 到 凤 尾 草 ,还 有 五 爪 金 龙 ,在 一 丈 红 底 近 旁 又 有 蒲 公 英 和 铺 地 金 ,还 有 木 香 ;还 有 牵 牛 花 ,昂 着 头 , 攀附着 一 丈 红 ,似 乎 想 和 这 直 竖 着 的 草 茎 争 个 高 下 。 至 于 紧 贴 在 地 面 的 ,虽 然 看 上 去 只 是 细 簇 簇 碧 油 油 ,好 像 是 柔 软 的 茵 褥 ,可 是 如 想 仔 细 地 弄 清 楚 ,不 但 普 通 中 学 里 博 物 教 师 要“ 嗳 ” “ 嗳 ”地说不出所以然 ,就是大学生物系里的教授 ,也难免皱一 皱 眉 头 呢 。
在池中,一眼看去 ,似乎水面上只有荷叶和荷花,可是仔细 再看,就可以知道还有莲房 ,还有开着小黄花的萍蓬草 。其 实 ,只是荷叶和荷花,也就够多变化够热闹了 。 荷叶有平展着 圆盘浮在水面上的,有黄伞般在空中摇摆着的 ,有一半已经展 开 ,一半还卷着勇气勃勃地斜横着的 ,有刚露出水面还都紧紧 地 卷 着 富 于 稚 气 的 ;也 有 兜 着 水 珠 把 阳 光 反 映 得 灿 烂 炫 目 的 ,也有已经长得很高却未展开叶面 ,勇敢无比地挺着显得非常有希望的 。 荷花已经开大的好像盛装着的美女正在微笑着出 神 。 还只开得一点的仿佛处女因为怕羞只在暗中偷偷地笑的 样子 。
- 上一条信息:武当山之恋(英汉对照)▪第三章(下)
- 下一条信息:武当山之恋(英汉对照)▪第四章(下)