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Novel translation serialization

According to the October 2017 version, Hualing Publishing House, Beijing

Written by Hu Zhe

Translated in October, 2024

by William Xiong




Chapter 5  Getting admitted to a medical college for more knowledge(II)



The next day, on the early morning of the 16th day of the first lunar month, Lu Yuexia prepared breakfast and told her mother that today they would go to the town together to watch the excitement. Her mother said why should she get up early in the morning during the festival and what great things happened. How can Lu Yuexia talk about Mr Xia sending letters and remitting money? Besides, in recent years, Lu Yuexia has never told her mother about this matter. Just when she was in a dilemma, the girl next door came and asked which young master had taken a liking to you. Come and tell me. When her mother heard the girl say this, she knew about almost all  and quickly got out of bed, asking the girl to sit down and have breakfast together before going around the town.

Lu Yuexia whispered to the girl, "I have been waiting for a Mr Xia whom I respect and admire for several years. Yesterday, he sent me this letter, which has been buried in my heart for a long time and has not been told to anyone. I would like to ask you to read this letter to my mother, so that I can give her an explanation

The girl happily took this weighty long letter from Lu Yuexia's hand and read it completely to Lu Yuexia's mother. Lu Yuexia's mother said, "For all these years, I've been wishing to know about your situation in this regard, but I haven't heard from her. Today, I finally understand. So, this young man is a very knowledgeable and cultured one, and it's not in vain for me to give birth to and raise her. Let's have breakfast together, and take a walk in town relaxing!

The residents of the town have neatly trimmed their hedgerows, planted beautiful lawns in front of their doors, surrounded their small flower beds with boxwood, covered the walls with honeysuckle, and their sepals are lush and beautiful. Under the overhanging eaves, there are graceful shadows, and on the windowsills, there are clusters of colorful potted flowers. Holly trees are widely planted surrounding rooms; Standing in the midst of it, one suddenly feels like winter has passed and spring has returned, while entering the side of the blazing fireplace indoors, there are patches of clear shades, The cool green in sight contrast finely with the fire. All of this is due to the gradual influence of the trend and those below follow the example of those above. If the love god sung by the poet is willing to descend and visit the houses of the human world, even if only the peasant families in China can afford to be viewed by immortals. Every ancient farmhouse and moss covered house here is a beautiful painting; The transportation routes here are winding and twisting, with forests and green fences appearing and disappearing. The boundless and beautiful scenery stretches endlessly, captivating people's souls. Passing through them is inevitably refreshing and invigorating.

Along the way, the mother was very happy and talked to the girl while walking. She said this girl has finally brought glory to her father in her lifetime, and that Director Gao has both wealth and social status, this girl is really blessed! The girl blushed and said to Lu Yuexia's mother, "How can Auntie say like that? I can't keep up with Sister Yuexia. You see, Mr Xia is still thinking about Yuexia while he's abroad, so truly Sister Yuexia is lucky!" With that, they came to the entrance of the town post office. As soon as Lu Yuexia and the group walked in, the girl's junior school classmates warmly greeted them and said, "Happy New Year, old classmate! "

The girl said, " Happy New Year for us all. Today, I'm here to greet you a happy New Year. I wish you everything goes well with your work in the new year, find a satisfactory girlfriend, and don't forget to pick me up for a drink!


The girl's classmate quickly led Lu Yuexia and the group into the reception room, where for each person he brewed a cup of green tea, served fruits and candies, as well as dried fruits such as walnuts and chestnuts. At this moment, Lu Yuexia handed the withdrawal slip that had already been prepared to the girl's classmate and said, "I will temporarily withdraw half of this remittance. Please help me handle the procedures. "

The mother was very happy to see this.

Returning home, Lu Yuexia told her mother about Mr Xia's care and support for her over the years. The mother said that's good enough. In this way, they could not only repay the external debt she had when she was studying, but also had some remaining money. “While you are still young, you can continue to study.” The mother's words touched Lu Yuexia's heart, which was exactly what Mr Xia had instructed. At this moment, Lu Yuexia was very happy.

In the following months, it was the days for Lu Yuexia to review before applying for medical university.

Lu Yuexia went to the bookstore and bought more than ten books about taking exams. Every day, besides eating and sleeping, she read books. The mother never let Lu Yuexia do some trivial things at home. The mother said, "You two brother and sister, your elder brother went to college, and now you have to try to make a good showing, so that I can have a good choice for your future marriage. With your current knowledge, who would respect you?" Lu Yuexia knew that her mother was encouraging her to be admitted to college.


The late summer sunshine shines rarely, like the gentle mood of early autumn, quietly sprinkling through the gaps between sparse and dense leaves, but there is already a little fatigue. The leaves are a little yellow, hanging on the branches, swaying and shaking in the sunshine, like a youthful dream that has gone through the trials of spring and autumn, hanging on the branches of time like a pink butterfly, revealing the understanding smile of the silent listener.

The sunshine finally sgibes on Lu Yuexia's shoulders.

The exam time is getting closer and closer, and Lu Yuexia has carefully read all the books she wants to read. During the exam, Lu Yuexia quickly completed one test after another and then carefully checked it again. Every exam, Lu Yuexia is the first to leave the examination room.

In the blink of an eye, it's time for the start of autumn school.

One morning, the girl brought the postman her classmate to Lu Yuexia's house. The girl said, "Sister Yuexia, congratulations on your being admitted to the Medical College, and being the top scorer, exceeding the entry score line by more than 50 points. This time, you have become the 'golden phoenix' in our mountains.

The postman handed the admission notice to Lu Yuexia and said, "Today I’m to deliver good news to you. Although in our town we have been admitted to several college students in recent years, but the grades are not as outstanding as yours. You really have a bright future ahead!" Lu Yuexia noticed that her mother's haggard face all in a sudden became much more energetic. And smilingly she asked the postman and the girl to have dinner together at Lu Yuexia's house.




胡  哲  著

熊良銋  译




第五章   考取医大再求知


次 日 ,正 是 正 月 十 六 大 清 早 ,陆 月 霞 把 早 餐 备 好 后 与母 亲 说 ,今 天 我们一起 去镇上看看 热 闹 ,母 亲说 过节 日 怎 么 大 清早就起来了有什么大好事说给我听听 。陆月霞怎么好说夏先生 寄信和汇款一事 ,况且这几年陆月霞从没有向母亲说过这方面 的事情 。正左右为难时 ,邻家妹子来了 ,进门就问是哪家公子看上你了,快说来听听 ,母亲听见妹子这么一说 ,就知道了八九,连忙从床上爬起来 ,要妹子快坐 ,一起用早餐后到镇上转转。

陆月霞悄悄地对妹子说 :“ 几年来一直在等待一个我崇敬 而爱慕的夏先生,昨天是他寄给我的这封信 ,这件事埋在我心里已经很久没有对任何人说过 ,我想请你把这封信读给我母亲 听听 ,也好对母亲有个交待 。”


妹子很高兴地从陆月霞手中拿过这封很有分量的长信 ,完 完整整地读给陆月霞母亲听了之后 ,陆月霞的母亲说 :“ 这么多年都想知道你关于这方面的情况 ,可一直没有音信 ,今天总算明白了 ,这么说这位先生是一个很有学问和修养的男士 ,也不枉我生你养你一场 。妹子 ,我们一起用过早餐后去镇上走一走,散散心 吧 !ℽ

镇上的居民们 ,家家把树篱剪得齐齐 ,门前蓄上美丽草坪 , 小巧的花坛周围环以黄杨 ,壁上爬满忍冬 ,花萼葳蕤 ,悬垂檐下,倩影绰绰 ,窗台之上盆花簇簇 ,五色绚烂 ,环室则广植冬青 ; 置身其间 ,恍然有冬去春回之感 ,而进入室内熊熊壁炉之侧却又清荫片片 ,满眼凉绿 ,与炉火相映成趣 。这一切都无不是风气所渐 ,上行下效而致 。如果诗人所歌咏的爱神也肯降尊光莅人 间 的 房舍 的话 ,哪怕惟有 中 国 的农 民 之 家 当得起仙人一顾 。这里的每座古老农舍 ,每间苔痕满阶的房屋都是一幅美丽的图 画 ;这里的往来通路迂回曲折 、丛林绿篱时隐时现 ,无边的绮丽 风光逶迤不绝 ,夺人魂魄 ,行经其中不能不令人心旷神怡。

一路上 ,母亲很是高兴 ,一边走一边与妹子说着话 。说妹 子这辈子总算给你父亲添光了 ,看那高主任家又有钱又有社会地位 ,妹 子 真 是 有 福 气 啊 ! 妹 子 羞 红 了 脸 对 陆 月 霞 母 亲 说 :“姨 妈 说 到 哪去 了 ,我 哪里 跟 得 上 月 霞 姐 ,你 看 夏 先 生 远 在 国 外 还 想 着 月 霞 ,姐 姐 才 算 有 福 气 哩 !”说 着 说 着 就 来 到 镇 上 邮电所门 口 。陆月霞一行走进去 ,妹子 的初 中 同学就热情地 向她们打招呼 ,口 中说 :“ 老 同学 ,新年好 !

妹子说 :“ 大家彼此都好 ,今天我来给你拜个年 ,祝你在新 的一年里工作顺利 ,找一个称心如意的女朋友 ,到时候别忘了 接我 喝酒 !


妹子的这位同学连忙把陆月霞一行接进接待室 ,每个人泡 上一杯绿茶 、摆上水果和糖果 ,还有核桃 、板栗之类的干果 。这时,陆月霞将早已备好的取款单递给妹子的同学说 :“ 这笔 汇款我暂取一半,请帮忙办理一下手续 。”

母亲见此甚是高兴 。

回 到 家里 ,陆 月 霞把 夏先 生几 年来对 自 己 的关 心 和支持一 一告诉了母亲 。母亲说这就好了 ,这样一来 ,我们不仅可以还掉你以前读书时的外债 ,而且还剩余一部分钱 ,趁你还年轻 ,还可以继续读书 。母亲这番话说到陆月霞心坎上了 ,也正是夏先生所嘱托的 ,陆月霞此时心情十分高兴 。

此 后 的 几 个 月 里 ,是 陆 月 霞 报 考 医 大 前 复 习 的日 子 。

陆月霞到书店买了十几本关于应考方面的书籍 ,每天除吃 饭 、睡觉就是看书 ,家里的一些琐事母亲从没有让陆月霞做 过 。 母亲说 :“ 你们兄妹俩 ,哥哥上了大学,你现在也要争这口 气 ,好让我对你以后的婚事有个好的选择 ,就你现在这点知识 谁 瞧 得 起 你 。”陆 月 霞 知 道 母 亲 这 话 是 在 鼓 励 自 己 一 定 要 考 上大学才说的 。


晚夏的阳光难得地照射着 ,犹如初秋温和的心情 ,安安静 静地透过疏密相间的树叶缝隙洒下来 ,可是已经有了点点的疲 倦 。 叶子有些黄了 ,悬在枝桠上,飘飘摇摇在阳光中 ,如同那青春的梦想 ,历经了春秋的磨练 ,如粉蝶般吊挂在岁月的枝头,表露了沉默的聆听者善解人意的微笑 。

阳光还是落在了陆月霞的肩上 。

考试的时间越来越近了 ,陆月霞要看的书也都仔仔细细地 看过一遍 。 考试时 ,陆月霞很快做了一道道试题 ,然后又仔细地检查了一遍 。 每场考试都是陆月霞第一个离开考场 。

转眼间 ,要到秋季开学的时候了 。

有天早上 ,妹子带着那个邮递员同学到陆月霞家里来了 ,妹 子说 ,月霞姐姐 ,恭喜你考上医大了,而且还是头名状元 ,超过录取 分 数 线 50 多 分 ,这 回 你 可 成 了 我 们 大 山 里 的“ 金 凤 凰 ”了 。

邮递员将入学通知书递给陆月霞说 :“ 今天是给你送喜报 , 镇上这几年虽说考上了几个大学生 ,但成绩都没有你这般优  异 ,你以后真是前途无量啊 !”陆月霞看着母亲那憔悴的面容  顿时也精神多了 。 笑盈盈地叫这位邮递员和妹子一起在陆月  霞家吃饭 。

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