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Novel translation serialization

According to the October 2017 version, Hualing Publishing House, Beijing

Written by Hu Zhe

Translated in October, 2024

by William Xiong




Chapter 11  Accepting donations for top-up degree(I)


This year, Lu Yuexia experienced too many misfortunes. First, her mother passed away due to illness, and then her brother and sister-in-law died in a car accident. In just a few months, Lu Yuexia lost the three closest people in the world and became an orphan alone. During those days, life was bleak and lifeless, without reliance or hope.

Lu Yuexia finished her sophomore studies and planed to go out and make a living on her own. Just as Lu Yuexia was about to go out, the class teacher found her and told her that someone had donated money for her and she could continue her studies. Joy and gratitude are beyond words.

Lu Yuexia wanted to meet the donor. The class teacher said that it was contacted by the Youth League Committee of Lu Yuexia's hometown. Lu Yuexia called the Youth League Committee to inquire about who was donating for her. The Youth League Committee members said that they generally do not allow donors to contact recipients because this is a social behavior and does not involve personal emotions. Lu Yuexia said that if they don't allow her to meet the donor, she won't accept donations.

Lu Yuexia's stubbornness was due to gratitude. She couldn't help but know who the benefactor was.

At the insistence of Lu Yuexia, the Youth League County Committee finally arranged for Lu Yuexia to meet with the donor Xinwang.

It was an evening when the sun was about to set, and Xinwang, accompanied by comrades from the Youth League County Committee, came to Lu Yuexia's college.

Under the Wutong tree on campus and in the afterglow of the sunset, Xin Wang stood shyly in front of Lu Yuexia. Surprisingly, Xinwang was so young and handsome. Tall and slender, with a fair complexion, much like the scholar in classical novels with a jade tree in the wind. At that time, Xinwang was 24 years old and had just graduated from university.

Lu Yuexia had planned to bow to someone when they met, but when she saw that Xin Wang was a young man, she forgot about this. Lu Yuexia only looked into Xin Wang's warm eyes and said, "In the future, I will repay you when I earn money. "


Xinwang seemed a bit nervous and wanted to come over and shake Lu Yuexia's hand, but he finally didn't. He said, "Yuexia, you are a good student. Study hard, when you go for postgraduate in the future, wherever you go, I will supply you. From now on, you are my sister!" Xinwang spoke sincerely, without affectation or artificial. Lu Yuexia could hear Xinwang's true feelings.

Before leaving, Xinwang said to Lu Yuexia, "The ten thousand yuan I brought this time is for your junior year tuition and living expenses." So he handed the money over to Lu Yuexia.

This meeting was rushed, and they parted ways after just a few words. But the name of Xinwang was deeply engraved in Lu Yuexia's heart.

In the quiet of the night, Lu Yuexia often thinks of Xinwang's face, Xinwang's fair complexion, slightly shy expression, and warm gaze. As long as we see the Wutong tree on the campus and the afterglow of the sunset on the horizon, Lu Yuexia will be touched by the memory related to new hope.

During the summer vacation, Lu Yuexia quickly found a part-time job in the computer city and worked for two days every weekend. Her monthly salary was more than enough to sustain her life.

One day, Xinwang asked Lu Yuexia to open a bank account so that he could transfer money to Lu Yuexia. But Lu Yuexia refused.

Lu Yuexia said that she could fully support herself by working and studying at the same time. Until it was confirmed that there were no economic problems with Lu Yuexia, Xinwang was relieved. But a month later, Lu Yuexia still called Xinwang and said, "You come to school, I need to find you for something. "

Xinwang was there soon, bringing two thousand yuan.

That day, Lu Yuexia received Xinwang in the dormitory.

When Xinwang handed the money to Lu Yuexia, Lu Yuexia pushed it back but took out three thousand yuan and handed it to Xinwang.

Xin Wang looked surprised and asked Lu Yuexia what was going on.

Lu Yuexia said, "I said I would return the money to you. This is the money I have saved up from working for several months. I will repay you a part first, and you don't have to donate money to me in the future. I have no problem supporting myself by working. "

Xinwang stared blankly at Lu Yuexia and asked, "Is that why you called me here?" Lu Yuexia nodded.

Actually, Xinwang doesn't understand. Lu Yuexia called Xinwang because she wanted to see him.

But Lu Yuexia didn't have the courage to say soi. Xinwang was her benefactor who donated, and saying such words would make her mistakenly believe that she had a dependence on Xinwang.

Xinwang opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, he said nothing. Xin wang stayed in Lu Yuexia's dormitory for a while before leaving.

Before leaving, Xinwang did not accept the three thousand yuan, and despite Lu Yuexia's opposition, he still left the two thousand yuan to Lu Yuexia.

On the third day after Xinwang left, Lu Yuexia called Xinwang, but his phone number was vacant.

Lu Yuexia didn't know what the reason was.

During those days, Lu Yuexia was like an abandoned child, with an unprecedented sense of loss and emptiness in her heart. Although Lu Yuexia did not require donations from Xinwang, what she needs was a connection with him.

Xinwang played a very important role in Lu Yuexia's life, as a family member, and there were more things than family members.

Lu Yuexia once called the county Youth League Committee in her hometown to inquire about the situation of Xinwang and wanted to get in touch with him. However, the comrades of the county Youth League Committee said that Xinwang's donation to Lu Yuexia was voluntary, and Xinwang only left a phone number that was currently vacant in the county Youth League Committee, without leaving any other information.




胡  哲  著

熊良銋  译




第十一章  接受捐资专升本


这年 ,陆月霞经历了太多的不幸 。 先是母亲因病去世 ,接 着 ,哥嫂在车祸中丧生 。 短短几个月 ,陆月霞失去了这个世界上最 亲 的 三 个 人 ,成 了 形 单 影 只 的 孤 儿 。 那 段 日 子 ,生 活 黯 淡无光,没有依靠 ,没有希望 。

陆 月 霞 结 束 了 大 二 的 学 业 ,打 算 外 出 自 谋 生 路 。 就 在 陆 月 霞即将外出的时候 ,班主任找到陆月霞,告诉陆月霞 ,有人为 陆月霞捐了款 ,陆月霞可以继续读书了 。 喜悦与感激 ,无以言表。

陆月霞要见见捐款人 ,班主任说 ,是陆月霞家乡的团县委 联系的 。 陆月霞给团县委打电话咨询为她捐款的人是谁 ,团委的人说,他们一般不让捐款人和受捐款人联系 ,因为这是社会 行为 ,不掺杂个人感情 。 陆月霞说 ,不让见面就不接受捐赠 。

陆月霞固执 ,是因为感恩 。 不能不知道恩人是谁 。

在陆月霞的坚持下 ,团县委终于安排陆月霞和捐款人新望 见面了 。

那 是 一 个 落 日 将 尽 的 傍 晚 ,新 望 在 团 县 委 同 志 的 陪 同 下 , 到陆月霞的学校来了 。

在 校 园 的 梧 桐 树 下 ,在 落 日 的 余 辉 里 ,新 望 有 些 腼 腆 地 站  在陆月霞的面前 ,出人意料的是新望竟如此的年轻 ,如此帅  气 。 个子高挑 ,面皮白净 ,很像古典小说里玉树临风的书生 。 那 时 新 望 24 岁 ,刚 刚 大 学 毕 业 。

陆月霞本来想好 ,见了面给人家鞠躬 ,但以至见到新望是 小伙子时 ,陆月霞将这一茬忘了 。 陆月霞只看着新望温暖的眼睛说:“ 今后 ,我挣了钱会还给你的 。”


新望显得有点局促 ,一度想过来握陆月霞的手 ,但终于没  握 ,说 :“ 月 霞 同 学 ,你 好 好 读 书 ,将 来 读 研 究 生 ,你 读 到 哪 儿 ,我供 到 哪 儿 ,从 今 以 后 ,你 就 是 我 的 妹 妹 !”新 望 说 得 诚 挚 ,不  矫情 ,不做作 ,陆月霞听得出新望内心的实在 。

新望临走时对陆月霞说 :“ 这次带来的一万块钱 ,是给你读 大三的学费和生活费 。 于是就将钱交到陆月霞手里 。”

这一次的见面很匆忙 ,短短的几句话后就分别了 。 但新望 的名字却深深地刻在了陆月霞的心里 。

夜深人静 ,陆月霞常常会想起新望的容颜 ,新望白净的脸  和 有 点 腼 腆 的 表 情 以 及 透 着 温 暖 的 目 光 。 只 要 再 见 校 园 的 梧  桐 树 ,再 见 天 边 落 日 的 余 辉 ,陆 月 霞 的 心 里 就 会 有 阵 阵 感 动 , 那是与新望有关的记忆 。

后来陆月霞才知道 ,新望在车城的一家公司上班 ,这一万 块钱是新望一年的全部积蓄 。

暑假里 ,陆月霞很快在电脑城找到了一份零工 ,每个周末 到 电 脑 城 打 工 两 天 ,一 月 的 薪 水 维 持 自 己 的 生 活 绰 绰 有 余 。

陆月霞会偶尔给新望打电话 ,汇报做妹妹的在学校的情 况 。新望也时常打电话到陆月霞的宿舍 ,问陆月霞的学业和生 活情况 。问得最多的是钱是否够用 。

有一天 ,新望让陆月霞在银行开个帐号 ,好汇钱给陆月 霞 。但陆月霞拒绝了。

陆 月 霞说 ,陆 月 霞边 打工边读 书完全 可 以养 活 自 己 。直 到 确定陆月霞真得不存在经济有问题时 ,新望放心了。但一个月 后 ,陆月霞还是打电话给新望 ,陆月霞说 :“ 你到学校来 ,有事找你。”

新望很快就过来了 ,带了两千块钱 。

那天陆月霞在宿舍里接待新望 。

当新望将钱递给陆月霞时 ,陆月霞推了回去 ,却掏出三千 块钱递给新望 。

新望一脸诧异 ,问陆月霞是怎么回事 。


陆月霞说 :“ 我说过 ,我会将钱还给你的 。这是我几个月来 打工攒下的钱 ,先还你一部分,以后你不用捐钱给我了 ,我靠打工养得活自 己 已经没有 问题 了 。”

新 望愣怔怔 地 看 着 陆 月 霞 问 :“ 这 就 是你 叫 我来 的 目 的? 陆月霞点头

其实新望不明白 ,陆月霞叫新望来 ,是因为陆月霞想见到 新望 。

但 这话 陆 月 霞 没 有 勇 气 说 出 口 ,新 望 是 自 己 捐 赠 的 恩 人 , 说这样 的话会误 以为 自 己对新望有着依赖。

新望张嘴想说点什么 ,但最终什么也没有说 。 新望在陆月霞的宿舍里待了一会儿就走了 。

临走时 ,新望也没有接受那三千块钱 ,而且不顾陆月霞的 反对 ,仍将两千块钱留给了陆月霞 。

新望走后的第三天 ,陆月霞打电话给新望 ,新望的手机号 是空号 。

陆月霞不知道这是什么原因 。

那 段 日 子 ,陆 月 霞 像 一 个 被 人 抛 弃 的 孩 子 ,心 是 前 所 未 有 的失落和空洞 。 虽然陆月霞不需要新望的捐赠 ,但陆月霞需要 的是与新望的联系。

新望在陆月霞的生命里已经扮演了十分重要的角色 ,是亲 人 ,还有比亲人更多的东西。

陆月霞曾打电话到家乡的县团委 ,了解新望的情况 ,想与 新望取得联系 ,但县团委的同志说,当初新望对陆月霞的捐助 是主动认捐的 ,新望在县团委也只留有现在是空号的手机号码,没留下其它资料 。


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