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Novel translation serialization

According to the October 2017 version, Hualing Publishing House, Beijing

Written by Hu Zhe

Translated in October, 2024

by William Xiong




Chapter 11  Accepting donations for top-up degree(II)



In this way, Xinwang disappeared from Lu Yuexia's life, leaving Lu Yuexia with only the memory of Wutong, sunset and drizzle, as well as Xinwang's shy smile and handsome appearance. These were always intertwined, lingering, and lingering in Lu Yuexia's dreams.

With Xinwang’s donations and her own income from work, Lu Yuexia's vocational education is about to be completed.

So Lu Yuexia began to consider upgrading to a bachelor's degree.

On a Sunday afternoon, the afterglow of the setting sun engulfed the entire new city, and Lu Yuexia unexpectedly saw Xinwang as she walked out of the college. Xinwang was still as handsome as before, but with a slightly more refined temperament. Xinwang leaned against a car and was making a phone call. Almost at the same time as Lu Yuexia saw Xinwang, he also saw Lu Yuexia.

Xinwang stared blankly at Lu Yuexia and then turned off her phone.

Lu Yuexia wanted to pounce over, but tears blurred her eyes. She twisted her foot on the steps and fell down.

Xinwang ran over and helped up Lu Yuexia, asking in confusion, "Are you Yuexia?" She nodded desperately, tears streaming down her face as she said, "I've been looking for you, always, always...... "

Before Xinwang could speak, a girl walked over. She was Zhang Jing, a former graduate of the college where Lu Yuexia studied.

Zhang Jing walked all the way between Lu Yuexia and Xinwang and asked, "Xinwang, do you know Yuexia? " Xinwang said, "Yes, she's the girl I used to sponsor. " As he spoke, Xinwang smiled. "The world is too small, and I didn't expect you two to be collegemates from the same college. "

Zhang Jing was the girlfriend of Xinwang and had been dating for a year. They agreed to get married next month, and today Xinwang was here to pick up Zhang Jing to try on her wedding dress. The three of them stood together and talked for a while, but Lu Yuexia didn't remember anything. She only remembered when Xinwang and Zhang Jing got on the car, Xinwang turned around and looked at Lu Yuexia, which was very complicated.

During that period of days, Lu Yuexia was in extreme pain.

Lu Yuexia held back and didn't call Mr Xia because he had put in too much effort. Lu Yuexia felt embarrassed to cause any more trouble, despite her unwavering love for Mr Xia.

After enduring for half a month, Lu Yuexia still decided to go find Xinwang. The address was obtained from Zhang Jing. When Lu Yuexia went to visit Xinwang, Zhang Jing was also there. Lu Yuexia had prepared a lot of things to say but couldn't, so she had to say she was here to repay the money. Xinwang said that there is no need to repay the money. That's a donation, not a loan. Xinwang said, "The reason why I donated was because I was a very poor student when he was studying and enjoyed a lot of social donations. I did this just to give back to society." But Lu Yuexia insisted on repaying the debt, and what Lu Yuexia needed was equality with Xinwang.

"So you can find a very poor student and donate the money to him like I donated to you. This is the repayment, "Xinwang said in the end.

The conversation ended like this, because Lu Yuexia saw Zhang Jing's guarded gaze. When Xinwang left, he said to Lu Yuexia, "In half a month, I would get married. You should definitely come and have a wedding banquet!" Lu Yuexia nodded in agreement.

On the day of Xinwang's wedding, Lu Yuexia really went. At the end of the banquet, Lu Yuexia planned to pay off the money and leave, but Xinwang's face turned pale and his lips trembled as he said, "I donated your tuition to give back to society. It wasn't until I met you that your pear-blossom-like appearance deeply touched me. At that time, my mentality had nothing to do with giving back to society. I liked you. But I dare not tell you because I am a donor, and I am afraid you may suspect that my motivation for donating is to demand your love. When you insisted on repaying the money that time, I was extremely desperate. I thought you saw something in my eyes, so you urgently wanted to repay the money, afraid of owing me something. Only then did I think that my feelings were hopeless. I dare not continue dating you, afraid that I won't be able to extricate myself. So I resolutely changed my phone number. "

There was a bride waiting for Xinwang over there, and Lu Yuexia had no right to detain Xinwang by his side.


That night, Lu Yuexia was sleepless.

There had been no news from Mr. Xia for many days, but Lu Yuexia hoped that Mr Xia was happy and joyful. What kind of concern was this? It really made her feel powerless, and sometimes she felt like her memory was blurry when she overthought of it. The scene that made Lu Yuexia's heart flutter had never left her own mind. She remember the first time Mr Xia expressed his feelings to Lu Yuexia. Lu Yuexia was so happy, and how many times she remembered the words, Lu Yuexia secretly cried. Lu Yuexia knew that these were the tears of a woman's happiness, and she was very satisfied to have this happiness for herself, very satisfied.

Lu Yuexia believed in Mr Xia's words and qualities, which was also the reason why Lu Yuexia poured her emotions into Mr Xia.

Sometimes Lu Yuexia also thought the same way. If one day love changed, Lu Yuexia would not have any complaints because time and environment could change people, and fate could also end.

Lu Yuexia firmly believed in her own happiness. She was pursuing and striving, but she didn't know if it would be effective. Although she sometimes felt tired, she could really bear it. This was called motive power!

How many people in this world can truly understand the true meaning of the two words "motive power".

Lu Yuexia really wanted to temporarily put her worries in the deepest part of her heart, but sometimes she couldn't do it. Sometimes she said to herself, "Look, why you're so useless, so immersed in love." Lu Yuexia was responsible for her own emotions and pursuing a kind of happiness. Although these might not be useful in the end, at least she had pursued it this way, and would not regret for it. She would not regret for it of course. One should know that the process of this pursuing is itself a kind of happiness.





胡  哲  著

熊良銋  译




第十一章  接受捐资专升本


新望就这样从陆月霞的生活里消失了 ,留给陆月霞的只有 梧 桐 、落 日 以 及 细 雨 的 记 忆 ,还 有 新 望 腼 腆 的 笑 脸 和 帅 气 的 英 姿 。 这些总在陆月霞的梦里交织萦绕和缠绵飘忽 。

有新望的捐款 ,再加上自己的打工收入 ,陆月霞专科的学 业即将完成 。

于是陆月霞开始考虑专升本 。

一 个 星 期 天 的 下 午 ,落 日 的 余 辉 淹 没 了 整 个 新 城 ,陆 月 霞  从学校的大门出来却意外地看到了新望 。 新望仍是那样帅气 , 只是比过去多了一点儒雅的气质 。 新望斜靠在一辆小车上正  在用手机打电话 。 几乎是在陆月霞看到新望的同时 ,新望也看  到了陆月霞 。

新望怔怔地望着陆月霞 ,然后关掉了手机 。

陆月霞想扑过去但是眼泪模糊了双眼 ,陆月霞的脚在台阶 上崴了一下摔倒了 。

新望跑过来扶起陆月霞 ,疑惑地问 ,你是月霞 ? 她拼命点 头 ,眼 泪 巴 巴 地 说 :“ 我 一 直 在 找 你 ,一 直 、一 直 … … ”

新望来不及说话 ,就有一个女孩走了过来 ,是陆月霞就读 的这所学校上一届毕业的同学 ,叫张静 。

张静一直走到陆月霞与新望俩人中间 ,问 ,新望 ,你认识月  霞 ? 新望说 :“ 是的 ,她就是我过去资助的那个女孩 。”说着话 , 新望笑起来 ,这个世界实在太小了 ,想不到你俩是同一所学校  的同学 。

张静是新望的女朋友 ,交往已经一年了 。 他俩约定下个月 结婚 ,今天新望就是来接张静去试婚纱 。 三个人站在一起说了一会儿话 ,说些什么陆月霞一点也不记得 ,只记得新望和张静 上车时 ,新望回头看了陆月霞一眼 ,这一眼很复杂 。


那 段 日 子 陆 月 霞 痛 苦 到 了 极 点 。

陆月霞强忍着没有给夏先生打电话 ,因为夏先生付出的太 多了 ,陆月霞真不好意思再添麻烦 ,尽管陆月霞对夏先生的爱 坚贞不渝 。

捱了半个月 ,陆月霞还是决定去找新望 。 地址是从张静那 儿打听到的 。 陆月霞去找新望时 ,张静也在那里 ,陆月霞准备了一肚子的话要说却无法说 ,只好说是来还钱的 。 新望说 ,钱不用还 。 那是捐赠不是借款 。 新望说 :“ 他之所以捐赠是因为他读书的时候是个特困生 ,享受了不少社会捐赠 ,他这样做只是回报社会 。”但陆月霞坚持要还款 ,陆月霞需要的是与新望的平等 。

“ 那么你找个特困生吧 ,像我捐赠你一样把钱捐给他 ,这就 是还款了 。”新望最后说。

谈话就这样结束了 ,因为陆月霞看到张静提防的眼神 。 新 望临出门时对陆月霞说 :“ 再过半个月 ,我就要结婚了 ,到时一定来喝杯喜酒啊 !”陆月霞点头同意了 。

新望结婚的那天 ,陆月霞真的去了 。 宴席结束 ,陆月霞打  算将钱还清后离去 ,但新望的脸色苍白 ,嘴唇哆嗦地说 :“ 我捐  赠你的学费那是为了回报社会 。 直到见到你 ,你那梨花带雨的  模样就深深地打动了我 ,那时的心态已与回报社会无关 ,我喜  欢你 。 但我不敢告诉你 ,因为我是捐赠人 ,我怕你怀疑我捐赠  的动机是索要你的爱情 。 那次你坚持要还钱时 ,我绝望极了 , 我以为你从我的眼神里看出了什么 ,所以急迫地要还钱,怕欠  我什么 。 我这才以为 ,我的感情是无望的,我不敢与你再交往  下 去 ,怕 自 己 不 能 自 拔 。 就 毅 然 换 了 手 机 号 。”


那边有个新娘子在等着新望 ,陆月霞没有权利羁留新望在 身边 。

这一宿 ,陆月霞无眠 。

许 多 日 子 没 有 夏 先 生 的 消 息 了 ,但 陆 月 霞 希 望 夏 先 生 是 幸 福 和 快 乐 的 。 这 种 牵 挂 是 怎 样 的 一 种 牵 挂 ,真 得 让 自 己 感 到 无 能为力 ,想多了有时候真得感到记忆模糊 ,那让陆月霞心动的 片 段 倒 是 没 有 离 开 过 自 己 的 脑 子 。 记 得 夏 先 生 第 一 次 给 陆 月 霞表达的感情 ,陆月霞是多么的幸福 ,多少次想起其中的话语,陆月霞偷偷哭了 ,陆月霞知道这是女人幸福的泪 ,陆月霞 为 自 己 能 拥 有 这 份 幸 福 很 满 足 很 满 足 。

陆月霞相信夏先生的话 ,相信夏先生的品质 ,这也是陆月 霞为了夏先生而倾注感情的原因所在 。

陆月霞有时也这么想 ,如果哪一天爱情发生了改变 ,陆月 霞也不会有任何的怨言 ,因为时间和环境是可以改变人的 ,缘 分也是可以结束的 。

陆月霞坚定着自己幸福的信念 ,陆月霞在追求和努力 ,也 不知道会不会有所成效 ,虽然有时感到累,但陆月霞真得能够 承受 ,这就叫动力啊 !

这个世界是有多少人能够真正领会“ 动力 ”二字的真谛 。

陆 月 霞 好 想 自 己 能 暂 时 将 牵 挂 放 在 内 心 的 最 深 处 ,但 陆 月 霞有时做不到啊 ,有时对自己说,瞧你怎么这么没出息 ,儿女情长 。 陆 月 霞 是 为 自 己 的 感 情 负 责 吧 ,追 求 一 种 幸 福 吧 ,虽 然 可 能 这 些 到 头 来 都 没 有 用 ,但 至 少 自 己 这 样 追 求 过 ,也 不 会 后悔 ,真得不会后悔 ,要知道这个追求的过程本身就是一种 幸福 。

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