Novel translation serialization
According to the October 2017 version, Hualing Publishing House, Beijing
Written by Hu Zhe
Translated in October, 2024
by William Xiong
Chapter 13 Cloud and rain first attempt at endless romance(I)
In June 2006, Lu Yuexia graduated from her undergraduate program with excellent grades.
Just one month before graduation, Lu Yuexia was arranged by the college to intern at a health vocational school in southwestern Hubei.
A workmate who quite loves literature at school wrote about the image of Lu Yuexia as follows: "With a pair of big eyes dark and clear, soft cherry red lips, delicate and little pretty nose, beautiful and smooth sweet cheeks, a pink face that can be easily damaged, and a slender figure, snow- lotus-like white arms, round jade legs, full and towering breasts, mated with tender and smooth flesh and framework, she is truly a beauty of national and heavenly fragrance. "
Indeed, Lu Yuexia's appearance has been showered with countless love seeds during her college studies. But even after graduating from college, Lu Yuexia remained a pure and innocent virgin beauty.
The arrival of Lu Yuexia immediately caused a sensation at this health school. Many male teachers came to show their hospitality, hoping to pick the bright and fragrant flower bud first.
In the class taught by Lu Yuexia, some energetic male students are even more restless and malicious. I was mesmerized by Lu Yuexia's pure and passionate eyes.
Perhaps due to Lu Yuexia's stunning beauty, or perhaps due to the lush and youthful energy within her, Lu Yuexia never expected that shortly after arriving at this health school, she would transform from a pure young girl into a truly mature woman and experience for the first time the sea of ecstasy that consumed her soul, bones, and immortality, causing her to convulse all over her body. Although she was not willing at first, Lu Yuexia still unfolded her snow-white, flawless, crystal clear, and holy soft body under waves of strong physical stimulation, sacrificing her virginity.
On one day during the last week of Lu Yuexia's internship, the scorching sun was so hot that it was almost suffocating indoors. Lu Yuexia, wearing a snow-white short sleeved shirt on her upper body and a pink short skirt on her lower body, walked into the classroom and immediately caught the attention of the boys. Among them, three boys with excessive energy looked at Lu Yuexia's beautiful and charming face, and finally made up their minds to get hold of her to extinguish the flames of youth.
One day, one of them intentionally placed an obscene yellow manuscript in their physiology homework books and handed them over to Lu Yuexia. After evening self-study, Lu Yuexia returned to her single bedroom to revise homework, and after that it was quite early Bored, Lu Yuexia became curious about the pornographic novel she had heard of long ago.
Lu Yuexia thought to herself, since it's still early and no one knows, why not secretly take a look and give it back to him tomorrow.
All that glance only made Lu Yuexia's ears turn red and her heart beat with blush. The bold sexual descriptions, crazy carnal pleasures, and lingering cloud and rain in the book made this inexperienced Lu Yuexia want to read more and more, until her cheeks turned flushing.
The next day, the three bastard students looked at Lu Yuexia's crimson and tired eyes, knowing that Lu Yuexia had fallen into their trap. When Lu Yuexia returned one of them the manuscript and homework books, they looked at Lu Yuexia with a half smile and a bewildered expression. Lu Yuexia blushed with embarrassment and quickly walked away.
However, when Lu Yuexia returned to her bedroom after evening self-study, she found a more lascivious novel on her desk, with both text and images. It was unknown when that mischievous man "dropped" into Lu Yuexia's room. Lu Yuexia read the book eagerly like a drug addict, flipping it over and over for a long time. The gentle and affectionate descriptions and vivid photos were deeply imprinted in Lu Yuexia's eyes. In the following nights, Lu Yuexia was hard falling asleep while reading this extremely obscene novel.
On a hot and humid night after the rain, when Lu Yuexia was reading this erotic novel again, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Who? "asked Lu Yuexia.
"Me, "a man's voice.
Lu Yuexia recognized that it was the student in her class who had submitted an assignment containing a pornographic novel.
Lu Yuexia felt that it was a bit inappropriate, but out of a sense of responsibility and trust in the students, she still opened the door.
After entering the room, the boy saw the pornographic novel still lying on the bedside, and Lu Yuexia also caught a glimpse of the thing she had forgotten to hide in her panic earlier.
Lu Yuexia's face immediately turned red, and her ears were burning with fever. She hurriedly walked over and awkwardly tried to stuff the book under her pillow. Suddenly, the boy student grabbed Lu Yuexia's little hand.
Lu Yuexia's face immediately turned red with embarrassment. After struggling for a while, she didn't break free and was instead embraced by the boy.
"What are you... ...doing? "Lu Yuexia struggled hard and asked softly.
The boy student remained silent, just tightly embracing Lu Yuexia's soft and slender waist. In a panic, Lu Yuexia felt the boy's hand start to caress her body.
Lu Yuexia was both shy and afraid, and suddenly screamed out of fear. "Ah... ... come on... ... "
As soon as Lu Yuexia shouted, the boy's hand blocked her mouth. The boy tightly held onto Lu Yuexia's slender waist and pushed her, finally pressing her body onto the bed.
Lu Yuexia's face suddenly swelled red, and her soft body became increasingly sore and weak under the heavy pressure of this boy student. Lu Yuexia struggled desperately, resisting. At this moment, the boy whispered in Lu Yuexia's ear, "Don't scream. If you've called someone, aren't you afraid of being laughed at while we're doing that in bed?" Hearing this boy's words, Lu Yuexia's mind suddenly went blank, and deep in her heart, she vaguely understood that she had fallen into a terrible pit.
Lu Yuexia deeply blamed herself and regretted it, and her hands, which were desperately resisting, gradually softened. Her eyes closed shyly. "What should I do? What should I do? "Just as Lu Yuexia was at a loss, the boy's hands were already separated by a layer of white shirt, tightly grasping Lu Yuexia's pointed and perky breasts.
Lu Yuexia's heart tightened as the boy student began to caress her. Never before had the opposite sex touched such sensitive parts of Lu Yuexia's body. Under the fondle of this boy, Lu Yuexia's skin trembled and tightened.
胡 哲 著
熊良銋 译
第十三章 云雨初试情绵绵
2006 年 6 月 ,陆 月 霞 以 优 异 的 成 绩 本 科 毕 业 了 。
就在毕业前的一个月 ,陆月霞被学校安排到鄂西南一所卫 生专科学校实习 。
学校里一位颇爱文学的同事对陆月霞的形象这样写道 : “ 一双漆黑清澈的大眼睛 ,柔软樱小的红唇 ,娇俏玲珑的小瑶 鼻 ,优 美 细 滑 的 香 腮 ,吹 弹 得 破 的 粉 脸 ,还 有 修 长 的 身 材 ,雪 藕 般 的 玉 臂 ,浑 圆 的玉 腿 以 及 那 饱 满 高 耸 的 乳 房 ,配 上 嫩 嫩 玉 润 的 肌 骨 ,活 脱 脱 一 个 国 色 天 香 的 大 美 人 儿 。”
的确 ,陆月霞的容貌在大学里读书就倾倒过无数多情种子 。 可是直到大学本科毕业陆月霞仍是一个冰清玉洁的处女佳人 。
陆月霞的到来立即在这所卫校引起了轰动。 许多男老师纷 纷来献殷勤 ,都希望能抢先把她这朵鲜艳芳香的花蕾摘下来 。
在陆月霞指教的班 ,一些精力旺盛的男学生更是蠢蠢欲 动 ,不怀好意 。被陆月霞那一双清纯多情的眸子弄得神魂 颠倒 。
也许由于陆月霞的艳丽美色 ,也许由于陆月霞体内那郁郁 勃发的青春之源 ,陆月霞怎么也没有想到 ,在来到这所卫校的 不久 ,陆月霞就将由清纯少女变成一个真正成熟的女人并第一 次尝到那消魂蚀骨欲仙欲醉令她全身痉挛的欲海高潮 ,虽然最 初 时 她 并 非 自 愿 ,但 陆 月 霞 还 是 在 那 一 波 又 一 波 强 烈 肉 体 刺 激 的冲击下 ,展开了雪白无暇 、晶莹玉润 、美丽圣洁的柔软胴体 , 献出了陆月霞的处女童贞 。
就在陆月霞实习期的最后一个星期的某一天 ,骄阳似火 , 室内热得让人几乎喘不过气来 。 陆月霞上身穿着一件雪白的 短袖 ,下身穿着粉红色的短裙 ,走进教室 ,立即引起了男生的 注意 。 其中有三个精力过剩的男生望着陆月霞那秀色可餐的 娇色娇靥 ,终于下决心要把陆月霞搞到手以消青春之火 。
有一天 ,他们中的有一个在交生理学作业时 ,故意把一本 淫 秽 不 堪 的 黄 色 手 抄 本 夹 在 作 业 里 亲 手 交 给 了 陆 月 霞 。 晚 自 习后,陆月霞回到单身寝室改完作业时间还早 ,无聊中陆月霞对那早有耳闻的黄色小说产生了好奇心 。
陆月霞心想 ,反正还早又没有人知道 ,不妨偷偷地看一下 , 明天还给他就是了 。
这一看 ,只把陆月霞看得耳红心跳 ,芳心含羞 。 书中那些 大胆的性爱描写 ,疯狂的肉欲交欢 ,缠绵的云交雨合令这个涉 世未深的陆月霞越看越想看 ,直看得脸颊潮红 。
第二天 ,那三个混蛋学生望着陆月霞那双眼猩红疲倦不堪 的样子知道陆月霞上了圈套 。 当陆月霞把手抄本和作业本还 给他们中的一个时 ,他们似笑非笑色迷迷地望着陆月霞 ,陆月 霞一下子花靥羞得通红 ,赶忙走开去了 。
可是 ,当陆月霞晚自习后回到宿舍时 ,又在书桌上发现了 一本更为淫荡的小说 ,并且图文并存,不知是那个淘气鬼什么 时候“ 掉 ”到陆月霞房间里的 ,陆月霞像吸毒成隐的人一样饥渴地把书翻来覆去地看了很久 ,那些温柔缠绵的描写 、姿势生动的照片深深印入陆月霞的眼帘 。 此后几个晚上 ,陆月霞都读着这本淫秽至极的小说难以入眠 。
一个雨后闷热的夜晚 ,当陆月霞又一次看着这本黄色小说 时 ,突然响起了敲门声。
“ 谁 ?”陆月霞问道 。
“ 我 。”一个男人的声音 。
陆 月 霞 听 出 是 自 己 班 上 的 一 个 学 生 ,就 是 他 交 的 作 业 里 有 一本黄色小说 。
陆月霞觉得有些不妥 ,但出于对学生的责任心和对学生的 信任还是开了门 。
进屋后 ,那个男生就看见那本黄色小说还摊放在床头上 , 陆月霞这时也一眼看到了刚才慌忙中忘了藏起来的东西 。
陆月霞的脸一下子就红了 ,耳根子直发烧 ,陆月霞赶忙走 过 去 极 不 自 然 地 想 把 书 塞 进 枕 头 下 。 突 然 ,这 个 男 生 一 下 子 抓 住了陆月霞的小手 。
陆月霞的脸顿时羞得通红 ,挣了一下没挣脱 ,反而被这个 男生一下子搂进了怀中 。
“ 你 …… 干 什 么 啊 …… ”陆 月 霞 一 面 用 力 挣 扎 ,一 面 轻 声 责问 。
这个男生一言不发 ,只是紧紧搂住陆月霞的柔软细腰 ,慌 乱中 ,陆月霞感到这个男生的手已开始在自己的胴体上抚摸了 。
陆月霞又羞又怕 ,出于恐惧突然尖叫了起来 。 “ 啊 …… 来 … … ”
陆月霞刚喊出声 ,就被这个男生的一只手堵住了嘴 ,这个 男生紧紧箍住陆月霞的细腰推搡着 ,终于把陆月霞的身躯压在了床上。
陆月霞的脸唰地一下胀得通红 ,柔软的躯体在这个男生的 重压下越来越酸软无力 。 陆月霞拼命地挣扎着,反抗着 。 这 时 ,只听这个男生在陆月霞耳边低声说 :“ 别叫 ,叫来了人 ,看 着我们正在床上干那事 ,你不怕被别人笑话吗 ?”听这个男生这么一说,陆月霞脑海“ 轰 ”地一下一片空白 ,芳心深处隐隐明白自 己 掉 进 了 一 个 可 怕 的 陷 坑 。
陆 月 霞 深 深 地 自 责 与 后 悔 不 堪 ,一 双 拼 命 反 抗 的 手 也 不 由 得渐渐软了下来 ,双眸含羞紧合 。“ 怎么办 ? 怎么办?”就在陆 月霞不知所措时 ,这个男生的双手已隔着一层白衫 ,紧紧握住 了 陆 月 霞 的 一 双 尖 挺 翘 耸 的 乳 房 … …
陆月霞芳心一紧 ,这个男生已开始抚摸了起来 。 从来没有 异性触摸过陆月霞如此敏感的部位 ,在这个男生的抚摸下,陆 月霞全身的肌肤一阵阵发紧轻颤 。
- 上一条信息:武当山之恋(英汉对照)▪第十二章(下)
- 下一条信息:武当山之恋(英汉对照)▪第十三章(下)