Novel translation serialization
According to the October 2017 version, Hualing Publishing House, Beijing
Written by Hu Zhe
Translated in October, 2024
by William Xiong
Chapter 15 Aspiring to try to be a new woman(I)
The weather finally turned cool, but Lu Yuexia's body became increasingly dry and hot.
When bored, Lu Yuexia would lie on the balcony and look at the commercial area downstairs. However, she had been very disgusted with this pastime recently because there were more and more couples shopping. The sweet words of whether to buy a scarf or a couple's coat were ignored as if no one was nearby, and the intimate hugs and kisses made Lu Yuexia, who was looking at the scenery upstairs, blush. Everyone reminded Lu Yuexia that the New Year was coming soon.
Last lunar year's New Year's Eve, Lu Yuexia stood on a high-rise building in the new city, gazing at the dazzling fireworks in the city's night sky, with countless thoughts. Now, Lu Yuexia's love was also like fireworks, burning out and dying.
Mr Xia disappeared from this world for almost a year, only leaving a roomful of darkness like night sky, which infinitely amplified Lu Yuexia's loneliness.
The things about Lu Yuexia that once made people completely forget were actually deeply engraved in her life. She indulged in life and work, playing the role of a strong new woman with the best acting skills, but only she herself knew that she was still that weak woman.
Yang Zi was a college classmate of Lu Yuexia. Yang Zi was never in a love relationship because he loved the girl who slept on Lu Yuexia's bunk during her college years. Whenever Yang Zi was heartbroken and unable to bear the bitter love, Lu Yuexia and Yang Zi would drink and chat together. Perhaps it was because they used to have less thinking, but now looking back, Yang Zi might have wanted to turn Lu Yuexia into a close friend several times, but Lu Yuexia foolishly asked Yang Zi to send jer home in the early morning, who was so drunk that he could only walk in an S-way.
Perhaps even the heavens believed that Lu Yuexia and Yang Zi should become close friends. Before Lu Yuexia's plans were detailed, Yang Zi called and said, "I'm getting married tomorrow." What could be a more mature time than this? Lu Yuexia quickly said, "Wait for me at home, don't do anything, I'll be right over!
When she saw Yangzi, Lu Yuexia was a little disappointed. Yangzi seemed to be a pile of mud lying in the corner of the sofa, with beer bottles piled up on the tea table and floor. In his slightly intoxicated eyes, Yang Zi glanced at the red wine in Lu Yuexia's hand and immediately jumped up like a cat, giving Lu Yuexia a brotherly hug: "Elf, I love you so much, only you know what I need most." Lu Yuexia felt bitter in her heart, wondering why Yang Zi didn't know what Lu Yuexia needed. Helplessly watching Yang Zi busy with it, opening the red wine bottle and looking for the wine glass, Lu Yuexia could only comfort herself: although having sex and no love, the romantic foreplay could still not be saved.
Yang Zi drank one cup after another, but the planned "chaotic nature of alcohol" was delayed, and Yang Zi became more and more sober. Regarding Yang Zi's love for the upper bunk girl, Yang Zi can trace back from the moment he first enrolled in college to the moment she received the news that Yang Zi was getting married today. "You definitely don't remember the story I told her during the Mid Autumn Festival when we were trapped overnight in the teaching building in our junior year. You definitely can't remember." Yang Zi proudly continued to torment Lu Yuexia's memory. Lu Yuexia's mind was fiercely battling her physical desires, and she had no spare time to recall their romantic moments.
"I know something that can help you. Love movies! "Lu Yuexia admires her intelligence very much. At such a critical moment, such a brilliant plan can emerge.
Lu Yuexia deliberately pulled out "Paradise Lost" from a pile of movie DVDs collected by Yang Zi without authorization, and love made it go to hell. Lu Yuexia only needs the hot sex scenes inside. Yang Zi is only one lead away. Unless he is not a man, under the stimulation of heartbreak and long-term repression, Yang Zi has definitely become a powder keg in urgent need of an exit.
"What movie? "
"Don't worry, just watch how they solve the problem of love quietly! "Lu Yuexia forced Yang Zi to calm down and enter the play.
"Lost Paradise " was indeed a well rendered erotic film, with Lu Yuexia blushing and her heart beating, her palms sweating, while Yang Zi immediately responded with loud snoring. It's like pouring cold water from the beginning, extinguishing even the biggest fire one by one.
This operation made Lu Yuexia still remember the secret technique of not staying overnight with close friends.
Lu Yuexia dragged Yang Zi onto the bed, wrote the two big words " break off" on Yang Zi's forehead with lipstick, and then threw the door away and left.
Lu Yuexia is Jiezi's insurance broker. In her limited contact with Jiezi, she has always shown a very gentle and elegant demeanor. If such a mature man were unmarried, Lu Yuexia would most likely fall in love with him. However, Lu Yuexia also knows very well: one must never have feelings for close friends. Not long ago, Mrs. Jiezi was happy and immediately purchased a maternity accident insurance policy. This shows that Jiezi loves her very much and the appearance of Lu Yuexia could never lead to the tragedy of divorce.
Lu Yuexia was Jiezi's insurance broker. In her limited contact with Jiezi, he had always shown a very gentle and elegant demeanor. If such a mature man were unmarried, Lu Yuexia would most likely fall in love with him. However, Lu Yuexia also knew very well: one must never have feelings for close friends. Not long ago, Mrs Jiezi was in the family way, and Jiezi immediately purchased a maternity accident insurance policy. This showed that Jiezi loved her very much and the appearance of Lu Yuexia could never lead to the tragedy of divorce.
Using the excuse of recommending a new type of insurance, Lu Yuexia invited Jiezi out. After carefully dressing up, Lu Yuexia, with her low cut sweater and high slit short skirt, definitely had a "seductive charm". Walking on the street, unfamiliar men often turned around to take a closer look. Jiezi's gaze involuntarily turned towards Lu Yuexia's exposed skin, but it was clear that Jiezi quickly turned elsewhere.
"You don't seem to have much energy lately. Are you exhausted from taking care of your pregnant wife? "Lu Yuexia pretended to care for her client.
"No, it's just that there's too much work overtime. "
"Oh! Use work to anesthetize yourself? It must be inconvenient for my wife to get pregnant, I understand that, "Lu Yuexia, giving some hint, said to him," but we also need to pay attention to our health. Like me, I've been heartbroken for a year and I want to use work to anesthetize myself, but it's not possible. My body will sound an alarm. Look at how many pimples I have on my skin, and the doctor says it's an endocrine disorder. "Lu Yuexia pointed to the skin on her chest and showed it to Jie Zi.
胡 哲 著
熊良銋 译
第十五章 立志试做新女性
天 气 终 于 转 凉 ,而 陆 月 霞 的 身 体 却 日 渐 燥 热 起 来 。
百般聊赖的时候 ,陆月霞会趴在阳台上看楼下的商业区 , 可是最近十分反感这件消遣 ,因为购物的情侣越来越多 ,商量 着要围巾还是情侣大衣的甜蜜话语旁若无人 ,亲亲昵昵的搂抱 接吻简直让楼上看风景的陆月霞红煞一双眼 。 无一不在提醒 陆月霞 ,新年快到了。
去年的小除夕 ,陆月霞站在新城的高楼上眺望这座城市夜 色中璀璨的烟火 ,思绪万千 ,而今陆月霞的爱情也一如烟火 , 燃尽而亡 。
夏先生从这个世界消失快一年了 ,只留下一屋子夜空般的 黑暗 ,它无限放大了陆月霞的寂寞 。
陆月霞那些曾经让人完全忘记的东西 ,其实那么深刻地刻 在她的生命里 ,她沉溺在生活中、沉溺在工作中 ,用最好的演 技 扮 演 着 坚 强 的 新 女 性 ,可 是 只 有 她 自 己 知 道 ,自 己 还 是 那 个 软弱的女性 。
杨子是陆月霞大学同学 ,杨子从来没有谈过恋爱 ,因为杨 子苦苦爱着大学时睡陆月霞上铺的女孩 。每每杨子失恋,苦恋 难耐 ,陆月霞与杨子就会一起喝酒聊天 ,也许是以前少根弦 儿 ,现在回想起来,说不定杨子好几次想把陆月霞变成密友 ,陆月 霞 却 傻 乎 乎 地 在 凌 晨 要 醉 得 只 能 走 S 形 的 杨 子 送 自 己 回家 。
可能上天都认为陆月霞和杨子应该成为密友吧 ,在陆月霞 计划还未详尽之时 ,杨子打来电话:“ 他明天要结婚了 。”还在什么比这个更成熟的时机 ?陆月霞连忙说 :“ 在家里等我 ,啥也别做,我 马上过来 !
见到杨子的时候 ,陆月霞有点失望 ,杨子好像一坨烂泥一 样滩在沙发角落 ,茶几上 、地板上都堆满啤酒瓶子 。微醺的杨 子醉眼朦胧中,瞄到陆月霞手里的红酒 ,立马像猫一样弓身跳起来,给陆月霞一个兄弟式的拥抱 :“ 精灵 ,我好爱你啊 ,只有你才知道我最需要什么 。”陆月霞心里叫苦啊 ,那杨子怎么不知道陆月霞需要什么 。眼睁睁看杨子忙活着 ,打开红酒 ,找出红酒杯,陆 月 霞 只 能安慰 自 己 :虽然有性 ,没有爱 ,但有情调 的前戏还是不能省的 。
杨子一杯接一杯地喝起来 ,而计划中的“ 酒能乱性 ”却迟迟 不肯出现 ,杨子反而越来越清醒。关于杨子对上铺女孩的爱 情 ,杨子可以从大一刚入学一直追溯到今天接到杨子要结婚消 息的那一刻 。“ 你一定不记得大三那年中秋 ,我们几个一起被 困在教学楼里过夜时 ,我对她说的那个故事 。你肯定想不起来。”杨子得意地继续折磨陆月霞的记忆 ,陆月霞的脑子正在和肉体欲望激烈交 战 ,哪有 闲功夫 回忆他们 的风花雪月 。
“ 我知道什 么东西可 以 帮你 。爱情 片 !”陆月 霞 十分佩服 自 己的智慧 。在这种关键时刻可以生出如此妙计 。
陆 月 霞 擅 自 从 杨 子 收 集 的 一 堆 电 影 DVD 中 别 有 用 心 地 抽 出《失乐 园》,爱情让它见鬼 去 ,陆 月 霞 只需要里 面火辣 的性爱画面。杨子只差一根引线罢了 ,除非他不是男人 ,否则在失恋、长期性压抑的刺激下 ,杨子绝对已经变成一个急需出口的火药库。
“ 什 么 片子?ℽ
“ 你别管 ,静静看看人家怎么解决爱情难题的嘛 !”陆月霞 强迫杨子安静下来 ,入戏 。
《失乐 园》果然是一部渲染得很好 的情 欲 片 ,陆月 霞看得脸 红心跳 ,手心出汗 ,杨子却即刻以响亮的鼾声回应 。就像一盆 冷水从头浇下,再大的火都一一灭了 。
这次行动使陆月霞仍然谨记宝典秘技 :不能和密友一起 过夜 。
陆月霞把扬子拖到床上 ,在杨子额头用口红写上“ 绝交 ”两 个大字 ,便甩门而去 。
陆月霞是杰子的保险经纪 ,和杰子有限的几次接触中 ,杰 子都表现得十分温文尔雅 ,风度翩翩,这样的成熟男人若是未 婚 ,陆月霞多半会爱上的。不过陆月霞也深知 :绝不能对密友有感情。前不久杰子太太有喜 ,杰子马上加买了一份生产意外险,由此可知杰子十分爱太太 ,陆月霞的出现绝不可能导致妻离子散的悲剧 。
陆月霞借口推荐新险种 ,把杰子约出来 。经一番精心打扮 后 ,低胸毛衣 、高叉短裙的陆月霞绝对有“ 万诱引力 ”,走在街上 都频 频 有 陌 生男 子 回 头 细 看 。杰 子 的 目 光 当 然 不 自 觉 往 陆月霞裸露的皮肤上去看 ,但看得出杰子很快就转到别处 。
“ 你最近好像没什么精神啊 ,是不是为了照顾怀孕的太太 累坏了?”陆月霞装作关心客户 。
“ 没有啊 ,是加班太多了 。”
“ 哦 !用 工 作来 麻 醉 自 己 ?太 太 怀 孕 肯 定 有 些 不 方 便 的 , 这个我明白 。”陆月霞朝他放电,“ 但也要注意身体 。像我啊 ,失恋一年了 ,也想用工作来麻醉自己 ,可是不行 ,身体会报警。看我皮肤长了好多痘痘 ,医生说是内分泌失调 。”陆月霞指指点点胸前的皮肤给杰子看 。
- 上一条信息:武当山之恋(英汉对照)▪第十四章
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